The social life of microservices: A guide to communication

In the world of microservices, talking to each other isn’t just about sending messages back and forth. It’s about making sure these messages help make everything work smoothly and quickly. And remember, it’s got to scale up smoothly too. Let’s check out why the way they talk to each other is super important for how fast and well the whole thing works.

This guide explores plus and minuses of specific approaches to the communication.

Synchronous Communication: The Real-time Conversation

Synchronous communication, which is similar to a real-time conversation, demands immediate attention. If you’re talking to your friend on the phone it’s a bit rude ask him to wait a couple minutes after each question before you replay. Synchronous communication in microservices is like that phone call: one service sends a message (like you speaking), and then waiting, doing nothing else until it receives a reply.

HTTP REST and gRPC are the possible options here:

HTTP REST:  Internet’s standard way of communicating, which everyone gets.  Universally understood, leveraging standard web protocols. When it comes to overall performance, it’s crucial to design your endpoints thoughtfully to avoid over-fetching or under-fetching data, which can lead to bottlenecks. REST is best for straightforward, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations where the call-and-response nature aligns with the user’s expectations.

gRPC:  Internet’s standard way of communicating, which everyone gets. gRPC is enabling features like server push and stream multiplexing over a single connection. It’s ideal for microservices needing frequent, low-latency communications, such as in multi-player gaming or financial services. The problem? It requires a bit more setup and familiarity with Protocol Buffers, though it pays off in performance and flexibility.

Asynchronous Communication: The Flexibility of Time

Asynchronous communication, on the other hand, offers the flexibility to send a message without waiting for the reply – dropping a letter in the mailbox. Going back to the phone example before. This time we’re thinking about sending a text message instead. You don’t passively waiting around for a friend to answer to your message – you just leave your message and go about your day. Asynchronous communication in microservices is similar: one service sends a message (like your text) and then moves on to other tasks and processes without waiting for an immediate response.

Message Queues: Services can operate independently, scaling up (increasing number of processing units) or down (decreasing this number). Most importantly we decouple action invocation (trigger) with execution (work done). This pattern shines in scenarios where tasks are not time-sensitive but must be reliably processed. Examples? Sending emails or processing large data files. However, it introduces complexity in tracking message delivery and handling failures gracefully.

Event Streams: Let’s take the concept of message queues further by enabling historical data processing and complex event processing. Services can subscribe to streams of events and react to the patterns over time. This is powerful for analytics, monitoring, and systems where state changes need to be captured and responded to dynamically. In general every system which relies on fast changing data flowing in all directions.. The challenge lies in managing the event schema and ensuring compatibility as services evolve.

Blending the best of many worlds

In reality, most successful systems will employ a mix of synchronous and asynchronous communications as well as mix of different technologies, selecting the best tool for the job based on the context.

Helpful patterns

API Gateway: Front door for managing synchronous requests to various microservices, simplifying client interactions.

Backends for Frontends (BFF): Tailors API responses to the specific needs of different client types, such as mobile apps versus web browsers, optimizing communication efficiency.

Service Discovery: Keeping track of which services are available and where they’re located is crucial. Without this knowledge your service might be blind.

Error Handling: Robust strategies for dealing with failures, timeouts, and retries are essential to maintain system resilience.

The Road Ahead

Making all these pieces communicate well is a big deal. We’ve got to know where your services are, keep messages secure, handle errors gracefully and such. The goal? Building a system that’s reliable, flexible, and ready to grow with your needs. It’s not possible to do it with invalid communication patterns which will slow you down and undermine your efforts.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to have a bunch of tech working together. It’s about creating something that delivers real value, making sure it’s easy to use, fast, and can adapt over time. Communication plays crucial role in this goal.

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